Equity funds of natural persons
  Private recordings [0.00]
  Private deposits [0.00]
Business buildings
Machines and installations
Other fixed operating assets
Automobiles and other means of transport
Investment properties under development intended for own exploitation
Tax reserves
Provision for pensions
Stock of raw and auxiliary materials
Work in progress
Debts to banks
Other receivablesRemaining debts
Receivables from trade receivablesDebts to suppliers and trade credits
Tax receivablesTaxes and social security contributions
Cash assets
Balances on bank account accounts
Cruising posts
Net turnover from sales of trading goods
Revenue from the provision of services
Costs for other activitiesIncome from other activities
Other income
Costs of raw and auxiliary materials
Costs of outsourced work and other external costs
Purchase value of trading goods
Depreciation of intangible fixed assets
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets
Changes in value of intangible fixed assets
Value changes in investment property
Housing costs
Sales related costs
Car costs
Office expenses
Administrative burdens / costs
Other costs
Interest and similar expensesInterest income and similar income